Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream Recall Extended: Potentially Increased Cancer Risk

Extended recall for Häagen-Dazs ice cream

A few weeks ago, Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream was recalled due to a carcinogen. Now the company has massively extended the ice cream recall. More than a dozen products are now concerned.

Following the recall of Häagen-Dazs' "Vanilla" variety of ice cream, General Mills has now extended the measure to certain vanilla-flavoured products as a precautionary measure. More than ten types of ice cream are now affected by the recall.

Traces of 2-chloroethanol (2CE) found

According to a press release published by the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) on its portal "lebensmittelnning.de", the recall is extended after the discovery of traces of 2-chloroethanol (2CE).

According to the information, the measure follows extensive investigations in which a single supplier was identified as the cause and is limited to certain expiry dates (BBD) of the affected products. The following varieties are affected by the current recall:

Belgian chocolate 460 ml, Barcode: 3415581113716, MHD: 16.03.2023 - 29.4.2023 Macadamia Nut brittle 460ml, Barcode: 3415581122015, MHD: 16.03.2023 - 29.4.2023 Cookies & Cream 460ml, Barcode: 32.2023-5 Vanilla Caramel Brownie 460ml, Barcode: 341581187717, MHD: 16.03.2023 - 29.4.2023 Macadamia Nut Brittle 95ml, Barcode: 341581319712, MHD: 16.03.2023 Vanilla Caramela Caramel Brown, Barco, barcola 16/03/ 2023 - 29/04/ 2023 Belgian Chocolate 95ml, barcode: 3415581533712, SBB: 16/03/2023 – 29/04/2023 Cookies & Cream 95ml, barcode: 3415581534719, SBB: 16/03/2023 – 29 /04/2023 Pralines & Cream, Barcode: 503415 813415 , Best before: 03/16/2023 – 04/29/2023 Belgian Chocolate & Strawberry Duo 420 ml, Barcode: 3415582302713, Best before before: 03/16/2023 – 04/29/2023 Vanilla Bownie & Raspberry Duo 420 ml, Barcode: 3415582304717, Best before: 04/16/2023 – 02/20/2023 Vanilla Hazelnut & Caramel Duo 420ml , Barcode: 3415582305714, Best before: 03/16/2023 – 04/29/2023

In addition to the products listed below that were recalled in July:

Vanilla 460 ml, EAN: 3415581101010 – best before 05.21.2023 Vanilla 95 ml, EAN: 3415581311716 – best before 05.21.2023 Classic Collection 380 ml, EAN: 3415581505719 – best before 05.21 .2023

increasing the risk of cancer

As part of quality checks, General Mills, in cooperation with Genuport Trade GmbH, found that these products may contain traces of 2-chloroethanol (2CE), according to a letter from the company.

2-Chloroenthanol may be linked to the presence of ethylene oxide, which could potentially lead to health issues such as an increased risk of cancer.

It is specified that the recall is expressly a precautionary measure on the part of the manufacturer. Consumers who have purchased an affected Häagen-Dazs pack can return it to the retailer, where the purchase price will be refunded. (ad)