Israel Gaza: Director of Al-Shifa Hospital reports no water or oxygen

The principal hospital in the Gaza Strip, which was recently besieged by Israeli forces, is now water and oxygen-depleted, and patients are wailing with dehydration, according to the hospital's director.

Muhammad Abu Salmiya described the situation in Al-Shifa, where there were over 650 patients, 500 medical personnel, and 5,000 displaced people, as "tragic."

He stated that Israeli tanks were encircling the hospital in Gaza City, that Israeli soldiers were still circulating within, and that drones were hovering above as they continued their search of the complex for a second day.

The Israeli military stated that its operation against Hamas was "thorough, methodical, and discrete." 

Abu Salmiya reported that the primary water supply in Al-Shifa was destroyed by Israeli forces. He mentioned that no one is permitted to travel between buildings and as operations continue, they have lost all communication with their coworkers.

Khader told the sources earlier on Thursday that Israeli forces had "stolen all departments," destroying dozens of vehicles and the southern portion of the building's wall.

Before his phone line was disconnected, Khader also reported that armoured bulldozers had been delivered.

According to the health ministry of Gaza, which is under the supervision of Hamas, Israeli bulldozers "destroyed portions of the southern entrance" to the medical complex.

Israel launched a significant military campaign in the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the cross-border assault by hundreds of gunmen on October 7th, with the objective of annihilating Hamas.

Hamas is regarded as a terrorist organisation by Israel, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union. Approximately 240 individuals were held hostage during Hamas' assault on Israel, which claimed the lives of at least 1,200.

Since Israel launched its counteroffensive, the health ministry of Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas, has reported at least 11,400 fatalities, and the United Nations has declared a "humanitarian catastrophe." 

The IDF identified the victim as Yehudit Weiss and reported that she had been abducted from her Be'eri, a kibbutz located in southern Israel, residence.

Concurrently, reports have surfaced of a significant internet and phone disruption in Gaza, which is believed to have been brought on by telecom companies running low on fuel.

The IDF reported that their troops at the hospital were continuing their "complex" operation against Hamas.

On Thursday evening, an official provided an update stating that soldiers continue to investigate each floor of each building while hundreds of patients and medical personnel remain in the complex.

Hamas has denied on multiple occasions that its fighters conducted operations within the facility.

Osama Hamdan, the highest-ranking Hamas commander in Lebanon, dismissed the Israeli assertions regarding the weapons on Thursday, claiming that the Israelis had brought in and planted all the arms in the hospital.

The Israeli government has refrained from providing a statement regarding the allegation made by Mr. Hamdan.

The hundreds of thousands of people who are currently seeking refuge in the southern city of Khan Younis might be extremely concerned if that signifies an imminent military operation in the area.

The population of Khan Younis increased from approximately 300,000 prior to the conflict to one million at this time, as a result of Israeli pressure on civilians to relocate south for safety reasons.