Jacinda Ardern to resign as the Prime Minister of New Zealand

Jacinda Ardern, the current Prime Minister of New Zealand, has announced that she will be resigning from her position next month, on February 7. While talking during the annual caucus meeting of her party on Thursday, Prime Minister Ardern said that she is tired from performing her job and she has not left anything in her tank anymore, and now is the time. She further clarified her decision while stating that the position of the Prime Minister brings privilege along with the responsibilities where you have to decide when you are the fit person for the task and when you are not. She further said that she does not have enough to do justice to the position of the country’s Prime Minister, which is why she will be stepping down from the position. This announcement came with her announcing the national election in October of this year. However, even after leaving her position on February 7, she will continue as the MP in New Zealand parliament until the scheduled election in October. 

Jacinda Ardern is celebrated in New Zealand as almost all people in the country have respect for her actions as the Prime Minister and many love her for her efforts toward the country. She is the 40th Prime Minister of New Zealand and the world’s youngest female head of government as she was elected to the position of Prime Minister at the age of just 37 years old. There have been many instances where Prime Minister Ardern has shown her ability to successfully lead the country through tough times. One of the most crucial examples will be her way of managing the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand. Because of her thoughtful thinking and effort-driven management, New Zealand was acknowledged globally and by the WHO as one of the countries that did the most successful management of coronavirus infection. Because of COVID measures taken by the New Zealand government, the country was able to keep the infection at a bare minimum, even after the virus mutated into much more easily spreadable variants. Besides the management of COVID-19, Jacinda Ardern was also admired for her actions regarding the terror attack on two mosques in Christchurch and the White Island volcanic eruption. 

When she was asked how she wants the people of New Zealand to remember, she answered that as someone who tried to be kind at all times. She further said that the five and half years of her life as the Prime Minister has been the most fulfilling which also brought many challenges such as housing, child poverty, climate change, and many others. Jacinda Ardern said that while leaving her position as the Prime Minister, she wants the people of New Zealand to believe that you can be strong, empathetic but decisive, optimistic but focused, and everything while being kind. The previous year, the New Zealand government was heavily being questioned by conspiracy theorists regarding its stringent lockdowns and vaccine mandates, which put an immense strain on Prime Minister Ardern, as she had to handle these conspiracy theorists while also focusing on the ongoing vaccine program against COVID-19. But through her effective management and focused perspective, she managed to successfully keep her country out of harm’s way.