Meat scraps found in deli products from Rewe, Edeka and Co - healing practice

Leftover meat discovered in various deli meats

Many sausages sold by Rewe and Edeka, among others, are said to contain mechanically separated meat. Although such meat scraps are not prohibited, their use must be clearly declared. But that doesn't always seem to happen.

Various deli meats from well-known brands are said to contain mechanically separated meat. A laboratory analysis by Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences revealed meat waste in products from Edeka, Rewe and Tönnies, among others. However, the mechanically separated meat used was not labeled on any of the affected packaging.

Mechanically separated meat must be labeled

As explained in a statement from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, mechanically separated meat is leftover meat that has been mechanically removed from the bone.

Due to the type of production, it is impossible to prevent that intervertebral disc and cartilage components are also included.

The presence of mechanically separated meat in deli meats is not prohibited. However, since it is not muscle meat, it must be listed as an ingredient on the package.

This is the only way for consumers to understand how high the pure meat content is and whether the meat content of the sausage mass has been replaced by cheaper ingredients.

But apparently not all manufacturers stick to labeling these ingredients.

callback requested

Various companies are suspected of processing mechanically separated meat into poultry deli meats - without labeling it as required by law. Laboratory tests by the professor of the University of Bremerhaven Prof. Dr. regarding. of course Stefan Wittke for the "Spiegel" and the concrete evidence of the NDR.

According to a statement from the consumer organization foodwatch, the Bremerhaven laboratory tested 30 products over a period of one and a half years.

According to information, MSM was detected in nine products, although it was not indicated on the packaging.

According to Foodwatch, the following products are affected: Best Choice chicken salami with vegetable fat, "Edeka organic chicken Lyonnais", organic free-range turkey poultry "organic chicken meat sausage", GUT&GÜNSTIG poultry mortadella, Gutfried chicken meat sausage , Chicken Gutfried-Buffet Lyoner, Chicken Bio Rewe-Lyoner, Wiesenhof Poultry Mortadella and Wiltmann Bio Poultry Lyoner.

The consumer organization called on companies to withdraw the products from the market. “Products to which MSM has been added must be labeled accordingly – otherwise their sale is prohibited. Edeka, Tönnies & Co. must recall their products immediately,” says Matthias Wolfschmidt from foodwatch.

According to the media, several of the companies involved have now denied the use of mechanically separated meat. Moreover, the importance of the examination method is questioned.

Huge financial gains

As the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) writes on its website, the total amount of mechanically separated meat obtained annually in the European Union (EU) is almost 700,000 tonnes (2007 data from 20 Member States).

In terms of animal species, 88% of mechanically separated meat comes from poultry and 12% from pigs. Mechanically separated meat from other animal species (eg rabbit, horse) plays almost no role in the EU.

Mechanically separated meat is an important raw material for the production of meat products and meat preparations; with its production, the economic benefit of meat processing can be greatly increased.

The total value of the declared production of MSM is estimated between 400 and 900 million euros per year. (ad)

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