Which vaccine combinations are most effective -

Corona: all approved vaccination programs in this country compared

It is currently hoped that suitable vaccines against the COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus will soon be licensed. Until then, vaccination will continue with currently approved vaccines. In one study, the effect of vaccine combinations approved in Germany was compared.

For the first time, researchers have directly compared the vaccination effects of the five approved corona vaccination programs in Germany. Their results, which have already attracted media attention as a preprint, have now been published in the journal "Nature Communications".

Observations from a previous study confirmed

Professor of Transplantation and Infection Immunology Martina Sester, together with a research team from the Saarland University Medical Campus in Homburg, studied the vaccine effects of so-called "homologous" vaccines (Biontech-Biontech, Moderna-Moderna, AstraZeneca -AstraZeneca) on the one hand and on the other hand compared approved "heterologous" vaccination schedules (AstraZeneca-Biontech, AstraZeneca-Moderna).

“We were able to confirm our observations from a previous study that the Astra double vaccination has the lowest immunogenicity; With the other combinations, we see very impressively that the variants with Moderna induce a stronger immune response than the respective combinations with Biontech,” explains Sester in a press release.

"This corresponds to the efficacy data on the effect of vaccines, but is also associated with slightly more side effects in the case of Moderna combos", summarizes the scientist the central observations of this study.

Different effect of combination vaccines

In short, the heterologous combination of AstraZeneca and Moderna produced the most significant immune response, followed by the heterologous combination of AstraZeneca-Biontech. Next is the Moderna double vaccination, which is somewhat superior to that of Biontech.

According to the experts, the homologous combination of a double vaccination AstraZeneca had the weakest effect overall of the five compared.

According to the information, the data of a total of about 550 healthy people were included in the surveys, so the validity of the data is very valid. Knowledge of the different effects of vaccine combinations could also be relevant when optimizing vaccine responses through follow-up vaccinations in high-risk patients. (ad)

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Saarland University: Nature Communications: Study Compares All Approved Immunization Programs in Germany for the First Time, (Accessed: August 14, 2022), Saarland UniversityVerena Klemis, Tina Schmidt, David Schub, Janine Mihm, Stefanie Marx, Amina Abu-Omar, Laura Ziegler, Franziska Hielscher, Candida Guckelmus, Rebecca Urschel, Stefan Wagenpfeil, Sophie Schneitler, Sören L. Becker, Barbara C. Gärtner, Urban Sester & Martina Sester: Comparative immunogenicity and reactogenicity of ChAdOx1-nCoV priming heterologous -19 and BNT162b2 or mRNA -1273- booster with homologous COVID-19 vaccine regimens; in: Nature Communications, (published: 08/11/2022), Nature Communications

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