Will Bremen become a model for all of Germany? – healing practice

Bremen as a model region for better cancer prevention

At least 40% of all cancers are preventable. A large number of cancer cases and deaths could be avoided by preventive measures and proper health check-ups. A model project for improving cancer prevention is currently starting in Bremen, which is to serve as a model for the whole of Germany.

As part of a pilot project in Bremen, a working group of the Leibniz Institute for Preventive Research and Epidemiology (BIPS) wants to find out which measures can be used to effectively prevent cancer. The project is now launched as part of the National Decade Against Cancer.

What is the National Decade Against Cancer?

In 2019, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), together with many other institutions, launched the "National Decade Against Cancer". The goal of the initiative is to find and implement new ways to fight cancer.

Representatives from politics, cancer research, healthcare, business, patient organizations and society work together. The pilot project currently starting in Bremen was born out of this initiative.

Lifestyle responsible for more than 40% of all cancer cases

Lifestyle factors such as unhealthy diet, obesity, lack of exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption are responsible for at least 40% of all cancers, Professor Dr. Ulrike Haug from BIPS in a press release about the launch of the project.

“Early detection measures such as colonoscopy can prevent further cancer cases and cancer deaths,” says Haug. However, according to her, it is not enough to know the potential of preventing cancer.

Effectively implement cancer prevention in the population

"It is crucial to effectively implement cancer prevention in the population and to keep an eye on the different living environments and stages of life", explains the professor. To achieve this, the scientists involved want to design the measures pragmatically and use existing structures to improve cancer prevention.

Bremen as a regional model for Germany

For example, there should be cooperation with schools and health insurance companies. "We want to use this to show ways that best and permanently exploit the potential of cancer prevention and early detection at the regional level," explains Haug. This benefits all of Bremen and, in the best case, the entire Federal Republic.

Three phases of implementation

The project is divided into three phases. In the first year, a systematic inventory of the current situation, that is to say the "status quo", must be carried out.

In the second phase, suitable and coordinated measures for the prevention and early detection of cancer are to be implemented throughout the region in the following years and evaluated.

In the third phase, an overall evaluation of the measures must be carried out. The results are compared to regions in which no new concept of prevention and early detection of cancer has been implemented. In this way, the most effective methods should emerge.

Prevention plays a key role in the fight against cancer

“A key role in the fight against cancer always lies in primary prevention, that is to say the prevention of cancer and the associated research on prevention,” adds Health Senator Claudia Bernhard. From this point of view, the model project is "important and valuable", summarizes the senator. (vb)

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This text corresponds to the specifications of the specialized medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been verified by health professionals.


Graduate editor (FH) Volker Blasek


Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS: National Cancer Decade: Bremen becomes a model region for cancer prevention (publication: July 7, 2022), bips-institut.de

Important note:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. It cannot substitute a visit to the doctor.